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POETIC TransRealism

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(TransRealism is a branch of visual art exposing that which is over realism, appealing to one's own perception of the truth over adherence to the actual fact; TransRealism is the poetry of visual arts.)
‘You know this well: the poet never lies,
The real is not enough; through its disguise
Tell us the truth which fills the mind with light
Because, without each other, all is night.’
Perception beyond Appearances, Metaphysics ART,
Observation of physical and psychological reality, Symbolism,
Whiles his acutely observed realism; brought a new level of emotional intensity,
Picture is based on light and darkness counterpoints,
Masterful Meanings in Light and Shadow,
Bird Symbolism and Spirituality,
Mystical Photography,
Birds as a Spiritual Symbol of the Divine, TransRealism,
ART Avant-garde, Spirituality, Transcendental ART, Mystic ART,
ARTIST Mirza Ajanovic; POETIC TransRealism;
‘There the sun doesn’t shine, or the moon, or the stars, nor any earthly fire...
In His light, invisible in a secret place,
In the heart He resides.’
Artist Mirza Ajanovic Photography, POETIC Photography,
Perception beyond any veil; including the veil of religion,
‘I've brought you a mirror.
Look at yourself and remember me.’
- Jalaluddin Rumi
MIRZA AJANOVIC Fine ART Photography,



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